As promised in last week’s “most overrated” newsletter, today I’m going to take a stab at identifying the three most underrated albums of the 1990s. This is more challenging than it would seem, because there are tons of great, obscure albums from the 90s that didn’t sell well or have a hit song on the radio; but that doesn’t mean they’re underrated necessarily. Some of those albums are cult classics: Spilt Milk by Jellyfish and the Wrens, Meadowlands come to mind. Further, an album doesn’t have to be unsuccessful to be underrated. A band like Weezer falls into that category for me. Their first couple albums were successful and acclaimed, but I think the band on the whole is underrated now. The one-two punch of Van Weezer and OK Human in 2021 kinda knocked me out. Not gonna lie.
So here are three criminally underrated albums from the 1990s, two of which are not by hugely famous artists, one of which is: